This site is now stalled

Yes, from now on Octopkg’s new home is

Go visit it!

Version 0.2.0 is out!

We are proud to release version 0.2.0 of OctoPkg. Some highlights are:

  • A bunch of bugfixes
  • DragonFlyBSD and GhostBSD news support
  • Heavily threaded interface, minimizing freezing
OctoPkg 0.2.0 showing FreeBSD latest news

OctoPkg 0.2.0 showing FreeBSD latest news

Special thanks goes to asxbsd, ericbsd and ringo32, from the GhostBSD IRC channel! and Kris Moore (PC-BSD) for the BSD port!

You can get it HERE.

OctoPkg 0.1.0: first milestone reached!

I’m proud to announce the very first version of the newest front-end for FreeBSD’s pkgng (package management tool): OctoPkg!

Browsing package information

Browsing package information


Installing Firefox…

It’s a fully functional GUI for installing, removing, upgrading, searching and querying the package collection of FreeBSD and PC-BSD systems.


Delving into the package list of files

You can get it here.